Dear Praying Friends,

We are praising God for all He is doing and thanking Him for you and the body of Christ worldwide. God continues to fulfill His word.

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. “

Are you waiting on the Lord and rising up on wings like eagles? If so, what is God showing you? Please, let us know.

Waiting on the Lord

We are practicing what the psalmist said and we are “waiting on the Lord.”

  • The Kingdom of God is expanding in spite of the great darkness…even though the Christians we have met in various countries, including our own, are going through hard times. They say, “We know God is with us.” Each one is so blessed (happy) looking at God and not at their circumstances. Isn’t that the bottom line for all of us?
  • Greater faith is needed to share the gospel but God is giving great fruit. “Believe only believe…” Some youth in Nicaragua are just now hearing the gospel and believing.
  • There is great hunger and thirst for righteousness and the Word of God in the youth at the orphanage in India.
  • More determination is in those in the field to help others. In Nicaragua, the families we serve are pursuing their education to help their own families and others. One of the adult children is a medical student and now one of our laborers has become a nursing student. They are defying all odds to do this. However, because you are helping them through prayer and finances they can live, minister and pursue their dreams.
  • No matter how hard people’s hearts, there is still more hope. Believers are looking to God, listening to His words and following Him. They say, “I cannot do this, but God can.” God hears and God is healing hearts! We saw a divine appointment where the wife cried out for her husband to hear God and then brought him to the church where he received prayer and God moved in his heart.
  • There is more love. We have said to others for years and now we are hearing believers in other countries say to us, “Even though I do not know you, I love you because God loves me.” We saw great love among the children and adults at the children’s home in India.

Pictures from Nicaragua and India Ministry Trips 2015

Pictures from Nicaragua and India trips
We are also seeing and hearing:

  • The desire of people saying not just, “help me,” but instead, “I want to look for someone to bless. How can I serve and help you?”
  • More laughter among brothers and sisters and cousins in Nicaragua. “Families learning to plant gardens in any kind of container for food and beauty.
  • Women on a rooftop praying for their families, for the orphans, and for those who don’t know the Redeemer.
  • Happy orphans in India who received letters from their prayer partners and were reading and re-reading the notes and laughing with glee at the pictures sent. You are their family!
  • Orphans singing praises and repeating the word of God so that the presence of God becomes very real. The Word of God is impacting the people of the other religions. What a difference there is between the oppression of these other religions and the light and joy where the people of God are worshiping the true and living God!

Please join us in asking the Lord to help us wait upon Him and renew our strength, to see with His perspective and hear how He wants us to minster and pray for one another.

If you would like to be more involved with PFOTBG, please contact us. As God leads, we would be so glad if you joined us in prayer, sponsorship of laborers or children/youth, and on ministry trips.

May you be greatly blessed and may God be blessed by all of our praise, honor and glory!

Margaret J. Arant
President and CEO 

Our Mission

Our mission is to

• Teach and encourage people to pray and
• Follow God’s call on their lives
• Support believers worldwide in what they hear God calling them to do
• Network with others to show the world Christ’s love.

Our Vision

Our vision is worldwide worshippers of God

• Praying in and through the Spirit
• For God’s Kingdom to come
• For His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven
• Follow God’s specific direction
• Extend His Kingdom through prayer and obedience

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