Brazil – In 2014, PFOTBG partnered with Mid-State Baptist Association and Camp Canaan Training Center (which provides two years of Biblical training to Indian youth for sharing the gospel with unreached tribes) to provide physical construction on new buildings and spiritual construction through camp. The camp had an attendance of 52 youth and staff from 13 tribes. God is bringing unity among tribes, which have been at war, and are now working together to get the Word to those who do not know about Jesus as Savior and Lord. The youth received materials for praying effectively and Bible verses. We praise God for what He is doing in Brazil!
Peru – PFOTBG partnered with the Runa Simi, Peru Quechua Indians, in 2014 at a conference for Quechua women. Sixty-six women leaders from 16 tribes traveled from the mountains and jungles to be with us. They were challenged to take the given material and teach on Jesus, the Rock, and about his children being living stones to other believers. As we worshiped and studied with our sisters, God’s presence came in a mighty way and brought healing to all of our hearts and lives. In Lima, we met with a sister from Chattanooga and joined her for fun, rest, sharing, and prayer. We also reconnected with two sisters with whom we had previously ministered. We give God the glory!
Moldova – PFOTBG sent a team to Moldova in 2014 to partner with El Shadai camp and other believers in the country. With one of our partners we met with medical school doctors and shared about Jesus. We hosted a camp and in attendance were more than 70 people. The Spirit spoke to many hearts as we did a prayer walk around the facilities, as we studied the book of Nehemiah to understand building ‘prayer walls’ around our families, communities and countries, and at worship times. We met with Tanea and Alexandra’s family and had a great meal and a good time. With Pastor Alex, his family, and partners we were encouraged to hear how the Word is going out and the hunger of the young ones to serve God. In a village sharing house to house God taught the "Roman Road" and in every home people said, “Yes, I believe that.” With Pastor Vasile and his family, God moved in a couple who wanted a divorce and both accepted the Lord and were willing to try to reconcile. At another sharing time, orphans said they wanted to hear more about Jesus.
Nicaragua – From January 23 to February 1st of 2015, PFOTBG was thankful to partner with Carl and Kathy and PFOTBG laborers Cris and Esperanza in Nicaragua. It was a joy to visit Cris and Esperanza and their families, along with the Young Moms’ group and the Youth group they serve in their barrio. We had mini-conferences with these groups and talked about Jesus being the Living Rock. We continue to praise God for the way these women and the youth are growing and walking in the faith. Crisalia and Esperanza stayed with us at the guest house most of the week, so we had time for fellowship, prayer, sharing, and enjoying them and their young girls. We are thankful for those who prayed and gave to help provide for these special times, as well as for a field trip for the Young Moms' group and their children to a park by Lake Managua. The children enjoyed the playground and all of us had the opportunity to deepen relationships as well as to picnic. Later in the week we enjoyed a fun outing on the Pacific with Crisalia and Esperanza and their family members. We are grateful to God for time with our “family” in Nicaragua. Give God the glory!
India – At the end of February 2015, PFOTBG visited Grace Children’s Home and were met with the wonderful smiling faces of the children and the staff. What a testimony of God’s love, grace, and mercy to take children from remote villages who need a home, food, and schooling, and bring them to the children’s home. Scriptures are on the wall around the children’s home and inside on the patio for all to see the Word of God. The children shared memory verses and songs and it was evident that they loved the Word and were being strengthened by it. We experienced great joy in taking letters and pictures to the children and seeing their delight as they read the notes and looked at the pictures from those who pray for them and sponsor the children’s home. We met with the children and youth in small groups and they shared about their lives and what they wanted to be and do. Many told us they have loved learning from the Word of God about Jesus. We were blessed one day to meet with women from the surrounding areas for a conference, including a time of prayer. They prayed at the
children’s home for the children and staff and also for the people in the surrounding area who have not heard the good news that Jesus Christ has come and is our Redeemer! We are thankful for the financial gifts from the prayer partners/sponsors so that we could take the children on a field trip for a day at a Water Park/Amusement Park. They had a great time swimming, laughing, eating a special lunch, and riding the rides. The gifts also provided games to take to the children and special snacks during the evenings we were there, such as watermelon, ice cream, and cake. What an encouragement to see all that God is doing and how He is blessing these children and the children’s home to be a great light and to offer His love to all. Give God the glory!