Global Prayer NetworkWe want to invite you to join our Global Prayer Network and pray with us for the nations to receive the Lord and for those on the front lines that they will go with God and know His guidance. Specific prayer requests for those we minister with and to are listed on our site. However, we want to acquaint you with a few principles about prayer before you create a log in account to access these requests. If you’d like to read additional scriptures about holiness, please click here.


Accessing the Prayer Requests:

Prayer is like coming into the Holy of Holies; each one comes before the Lord’s presence. We come to ask Him to cleanse and purify us and make us holy vessels that He can use. We ask Him to direct us and lead us in His will for the world.

Margaret Arant, PFOTBG founder, had a dream on April 25, 2009 about a room filled with holiness, white light and soft beautiful music. When various ones from PFOTBG began to pray, there was a hush in heaven and God and all of heaven listened. Others in PFOTBG who were already praying were aware of someone new coming into the Lord’s Presence in the Holy Place to join their prayers and participate with the Spirit and the will of God in heaven. There was a holy hush as intercessors were involved in bringing people and lands before the Throne of glory for mercy and grace and God moving among His people. She woke up, knowing she had seen a glimpse of holiness. While God and all of the heavenly beings were not seen in her dream, Margaret knew there was a real sense that He was very pleased that His children would come to be with Him in His holy place to pray. His pleasure and love permeated the air.

Although signing into the web site is a common task, signing into the Global Prayer Network should be viewed as coming before God to pray together. It is similar to entering a chapel and knowing others around you are intensely praying and meeting with God. If you are the new one coming into the Holy Place, you want to keep the same attitude of respect and honor for the Father. God’s presence is very real and we have to be very careful of this sacred trust He has given us.

 May we be holy as He is holy and may the work we do be His holy work of intercession. May He always receive the glory!

If you have read the above and understand the attitude of prayer and reverence we request then click Global Prayer Network Requests to enter into prayer with us.

Our Mission

Our mission is to

• Teach and encourage people to pray and
• Follow God’s call on their lives
• Support believers worldwide in what they hear God calling them to do
• Network with others to show the world Christ’s love.

Our Vision

Our vision is worldwide worshippers of God

• Praying in and through the Spirit
• For God’s Kingdom to come
• For His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven
• Follow God’s specific direction
• Extend His Kingdom through prayer and obedience

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