August 1, 2016
Dear Praying Friends,
We are so thankful for you brothers and sisters following God. We are praising God because He is laying out the work He has for us to do: pray for each tribe, tongue nation and people group world-wide (Revelation 7:9-10), and serve as He leads.
God continues to fulfill His word in reaching the nations. He is doing it through your prayers and actions.
Isaiah 11:9b For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
Psalm 72:19 And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.
One challenge God is giving us is to pray for those around us in a 360 degree radius from where we are. Think of the states or the countries that you could pray for as you turn in a circle from where you are right now.
When can you Pray 360? All the time and any time your Heavenly Father guides you. We know you want to listen to the Lord and He is ready to listen to you, His dear child.
Where can you Pray 360? Wherever you are, God is with you. One of His names is Emmanuel: God with us.
How can you Pray 360? Ask God to continue to reveal Himself through His Word, songs, dreams and His visions so all the nations can know He is the true and living God. Join God in His desire for every person on earth to have a relationship with Him, to walk in faith and give Him the glory!
(1) Picture in your mind the people and the places God wants you to bless so the whole world is covered in praise and prayer.
(2) Ask and receive how God wants you to pray for a particular people/place and pray until He answers.
(3) Let the spirit of grace, supplication and prayer move in you to pray with God’s love for those where you live and then around the world.
Please let us know what God shows you as you pray so we can go forward together following our King and making disciples as He leads.
We will be returning to join our family in Moldova in August and Nicaragua in September. Please see the pictures below; there are still needs to be met!
Please, pray for the people God wants us to learn from and those we are to share about His Son, Jesus.
Colossians 1:29 Jesus in you is the hope of glory! We ask God that all of us can carry the glory of God as we go so we can
Ephesians 1 Be a praise to Him in all of the world.
We would be so glad if you became more involved with PFOTBG. We need more volunteers to meet the needs of sending letters and materials and intercessors for each tribe, nation, and people group. We ask you to pray and join us for sponsorship of laborers and children/youth, and on ministry trips. Please contact us.