We thank God for you, our family by faith in Christ. You are very precious to us and to Him! We are thankful to be God’s sons and daughters grafted by faith into the true vine. We praise God to walk with you and ask His great blessings upon you.
Please join us in lifting praises and prayer requests to God for the nations.
North America -- USA: Praise for God’s Spirit revealing truth and moving in groups including the Native Americans. Pray for healing of hearts and lives and donations needed for school supplies and food. Praying Friends: Prayer request for more volunteers, intercessors and sponsors!
Central America and the Islands -- Nicaragua: Praise: God’s provision for Esperanza and Cris’ families for years! Jarith is now in her last year of medical school and is in need of financial support to finish. Praying Friends: A team hopes to visit the end of December. Haiti: God is pouring out His Spirit upon Pastor Daniel whose flock still has great needs from Hurricane Matthew.
South America – Peru: PTL! God is blessing His people with hope. Praying Friends hopes to serve the Quechua with Runa Simi in Ayacucho and other villages in August. Please pray for help rebuild from the damage of flooding and mudslides and for spiritual healing. Brazil: PTL! God is bringing tribes to the training center to learn the Word so they can reach the unreached! Pray for food.
Africa – Uganda and Kenya: Praise God for drawing many to Himself and building schools, clinics, churches, farms, etc.! Pray for containers to be filled and reach them. Madagascar: Regarding the cyclone, thank God for saving lives and pray for people to see God through helping children.
Eastern Europe – Moldova and Romania: Praise God for strong Christian leaders, sisters and brothers there. Please pray for help for poor families, children at risk and lunches for orphans.
Asia – India and Myanmar: Praise God for the orphans you are blessing. Pray for provision for daily needs and funds so they can finish their education through college/apprenticeship. Cyprus, Egypt, Israel and Jordan: PTL for God’s protection/direction for partners and for PF to serve/bless them!
Coming Soon! Praying Friends Retreat and Global Store to help believers in the lands! Invite a friend to join Praying Friends in prayer and service.
Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. I am the bread of life….. Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
John 6:47-48 and 11:25-26