Dear Praying Friends,
We thank God for you and the ‘will’ and ‘faith’ you exhibit from God. We thank God that we see Him in you!
As we look around the world and see good but also much pain, we know God is the Great Healer! We are joining you in praying for healing for ourselves; those who are ill; our nation; and all nations, tribes, and tongues to know they are greatly loved by God and to receive and follow Him!
We are asking God to give us faith the size of a mustard seed! We want God to move the mountains in us and in front of us. We ask Him to exchange unbelief, doubt, fear, pride and put in their places, belief and assurance in Him, His word and power, and peace so we can humbly receive what He wants to give us! May He be seen as His Spirit to works!
Thank you for helping and serving the least of these at the ends of the earth. You are a great blessing and precious to us and the Lord! Please, let us know how we may pray for you.