We are thankful to see how our faithful Abba continues to direct our paths and show Himself at work not only here in Nicaragua, but actively in our own lives as well - that is something to praise Him for. We continue to walk alongside and partner with the Nehemiah Center here in Managua, along with many different families in various communities through discipleship. It is exciting to see God at work.
Crisalia and Esperanza continue to grow, learn, and be molded my Him on a daily basis. The girls meet alternating Saturdays with the youth/craft class and then with the young moms’ class - which really aren't that young anymore, but continue to grow themselves, both spiritually, and in numbers as they continue to be given these precious gifts of "children." Just this past weekend, we had a baby shower celebration for Ana Rosa, who was pregnant with her second child.
I'm sure these are very different looking from what your baby shower celebrations might be like [in the United States], but the women love planning a special event, all participating with cooking something for the celebration and then purchasing some small token to share with their friend. They brought soap, diaper pins, socks, cologne for baby, powder, etc. Truly giving sacrificially. Our typical meal to share is refried beans, cabbage salad, and tortillas.... and then the cake. This cake is the highlight and everyone gets to enjoy a piece together.
Ana Rosa was recovering from the mosquito born virus that has really blanketed Nicaragua, and so she called the day of the baby shower to say that she couldn't really walk to "gathering" (it was a surprise for her). So, we walked the "baby shower" to her house. It was a surprise for her and her husband Wilmer. He stayed for the whole event, which was a blessing in being able to speak to him of what an amazing God we have and how this child is a gift from Him. As it turned out, Ana Rosa's son arrived two days later, a precious little boy, Joshua, 7lbs 2 oz. Both he and mom are doing well.
Crisalia has been blessed to be attending nursing school this year and has truly enjoyed and excelled in this area. She passed her first semester of classes and has just launched into the second semester. She has become counselor, mother, and teacher to many of the young students in her class and they look to her for advice on many different topics. She is using this as an opening to speak boldly about Christ to both students and professors.
Jarith, is in her fourth year as a medical student. She has truly grown spiritually this year. Currently she is co-leading a Bible study (Resolution for Women) with a group of female university students. It is exciting to see her taking these steps and making strong decisions for Christ.
Both Crissalia and Esperanza are being used in their communities in many ways aside from these two groups they meet with weekly. They are sought as the "movers and shakers" of their community. They are women of peace, and women on whom the Lord has shown favor. Through their honesty and integrity they have been able to see God do some amazing things and blessings within their community. Recently they have been able to pull together the workers at the water department to get a sewer spillage fixed that has been running through the community for perhaps over a year. This sewer has caused so much sickness and damage, but they have held fast, made many trips, personally visited homes trying to unite the community in getting this problem fixed. It has been so encouraging to see how God is using them in tangible ways to bless their community.
This summer they and their families also participated in two short-term mission teams. Together we were able to help with the construction of a home for one of the women from the young moms’ group (Jacqueline) as well as hold a "nursing student" workshop for many of the peers in Crissalia's university class. It was amazing to see God glorified and spoken of in these times.
They need much prayer. As mothers raising their kids, they are encountering all the stages of raising teenagers. Please pray that God will give them wisdom, will hold their kids on His path, and would keep the enemy from touching these kids.
Esperanza has two boys graduating from high school this year. Guismark hopes to study computer engineering at the university beginning in January 2016. Guessler is hoping to be accepted into a vocational training school. Pray that God would provide for finances and open doors for both of these boys dreams.
They, not just as two individuals, but speaking of their families, and the communities they touch, are blessed so much to see His light shining among them. So often these places can be so dark, and yet, He has given His light to shine through these two precious women and the many they are touching for Christ. Thank you for being a part of what He is doing here in Nicaragua.
Blessings & thank you for your prayers!
Dear Praying Friends,
2014 Report on PFOTBG Retreats:
Retreats this year have focused on asking 'Lord, teach us to pray" the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-14 and Jesus' prayers in John 17. Men and women studied and asked God to teach them how we could pray using various themes woven together as Jesus did. We want to continue studying and praying together.
Please, join us for the next retreat: Spring, 2015 with the focus upon the names of God in the Lord's Prayer and in John 17.
God's Wonderful Works Done on Trips in 2014
Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. Psalm 40:5
Brazil – PFOTBG partnering with Mid-State Baptist Association, Camp Canaan Training Center which provides 2 years of Biblical training to Indian youth for sharing the gospel with unreached tribes. In attendance were 52 youth from 13 tribes and the staff. God showed us how He is bringing unity among tribes which had been at war and now are working together to get the Word to those who do not know about Jesus as Savior and Lord. The team consisted of those doing physical construction on new buildings and those pursuing spiritual construction. The youth received material for praying effectively and Bible verses they could use which were laminated and put on a ring so they could have them wherever they were, i.e. working, studying, or on their canoes. We give God the glory!
1) Security system because thieves keep breaking into the Camp and stealing money, food, computer equipment and phones belonging to the Camp and the Indians,
2) Sponsors who will give funds for food for the Indians.
3) Married student quarters for those studying at the mission
Prayer Request: for Indians learning the Portuguese language and the Word of God. May God plant His Word in their hearts, protect them in life threatening circumstances as they go to new tribes, and empower them through His Spirit to share the gospel.
Peru -- PFOTBG partnered with the Runa Simi (Quechua Indian) at a conference for Quechua women in Chosica. We were so glad to be with these women leaders whose heart is that all of the Quechua know Jesus loves them. Sixty-six women came from the mountains to the jungles and from 16 tribes. They were challenged to take the material and teach on Jesus, the Rock, and about his children being living stones to other believers. As we worshiped and studied with our sisters, God's presence came in a mighty way and brought healing to all of our hearts and lives. In Lima we met with a sister from Chattanooga and joined her for fun, rest, sharing, and prayer. We also reconnected with two sisters with whom we had previously ministered. We give God the glory!
Need: For Bible promotion equipment, these are small TV screens that will play USB thumb drives with the Quechua Jesus' Film, the Quechua overview of the whole Bible, and the complete audio Quechua Bible.
Prayer Request: For the Quechua women who come to the women's conferences and who are teaching other women in the mountains, doing evangelism and literacy in Quechua.
Moldova—PFOTBG partnered with El Shadai camp and other believers in the country including Dr. Alexandra Grajdieru, Pastor Alex and Svetlana Sanduleac, and Pastor Vasile and Nadia. We were so glad to meet and learn from our brothers and sisters north to south. With Alexandra we met with doctors that are learning in medical school about what man knows about the body and illness and at the same time through a medical group they are learning the Great Physician has all of the answers. At the camp were around 70 adults and some additional young people. We were overpowered with the Presence of God pouring out His blessing as men and women wanted prayer or shared about great hardships and how God had seen them through. They know our only security is to hold onto God. The Spirit spoke to many hearts as we did a prayer walk around the facilities, as we studied the book of Nehemiah to understand building 'prayer walls' around our families, communities and countries, and at worship times. We met with Tanea and Alexandra's family and had a great meal and a good time. With Pastor Alex and his family and partners we were encouraged at how the Word is going out and the hunger of the young ones to serve God. In a village sharing house to house God taught the Roman Road* and in every home people said, "Yes, I believe that." With Pastor Vasile and his family, God moved in a couple who wanted a divorce for both to accept the Lord and be willing to try to reconcile and at another sharing time orphans said they wanted to hear more about Jesus. Give God the glory!
* Roman Road: Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, Romans 10:9-10 and John 1:12.
Need: El Shadai Camp – bathrooms within a building especially for the little children
Bunk beds, shelving and a wardrobe for campers to put their things, fence and gate
Prayer Request: For peace in the country and heat, water, and food during the winter months.
Looking at the past year PFOTBG was glad to participate in prayer walks in downtown Chattanooga as well as at churches that have invited us to do so, including in St. Elmo with Vessels for Change. September 11 we joined others praying for our country at the courthouse.
2015 - This coming year please let us know if you would like
Donations Needed for PFOTBG:
2 laptops or desktops (new or gently used)
Light weight substantial suitcases
Light weight wire and old or broken jewelry for making jewelry
Toiletries (for conferences)
Tote bags and costume jewelry for the women to wear
Small sewing kits and bandanas (see us for specifics) (for conferences)
We hope and pray for peace. How may we pray for you?
May God bless you,
Margaret J. Arant
President and CEO
Our mission is to
• Teach and encourage people to pray and
• Follow God’s call on their lives
• Support believers worldwide in what they hear God calling them to do
• Network with others to show the world Christ’s love.
To teach and encourage others to
• Pray and listen to the Lord following His voice
• Align ourselves with the Word of God
• Walk in the power of His Spirit
• Give Glory to God!
Our vision is worldwide worshippers of God
• Praying in and through the Spirit
• For God’s Kingdom to come
• For His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven
• Follow God’s specific direction
• Extend His Kingdom through prayer and obedience